Today is Friday. Magic 8-Ball says drinks. Cool.
So lets get to it.
The site is up!
It's still under construction but it is there. BIG thanks and cheers to John Wold for making it happen. Great design, layout and intuition. Send him an email if you need some web work done.
I miss football.
Ski week, work is goin' crazy and the traveling train is leaving the station again. LA, Phoenix, Miami, San Antonia, Austin and Dallas already scheduled. My arsee hurts already...
I miss football.
Couple o plugs fr my boys:
9' tall Seth Harwood's book is coming out. Jack Wakes Up is on Amazon now but order it on Palms Sunday. Great read and check out his free podcasts. Also look for the BART poster campaign we've got running. YEAH!
Been talking Guinness with Mike Bennett. Another fantastic podcast. "One Among the Sleepless" and "Hall of Mirrors" are awesome listens. Say hey to that mad Brit.
I miss football.
Did I mention that I miss football?
Check out the Raider Nation Podcast. Podcaster and Firefighter Raider Greg does a fantastic job of keeping the Silver & Black blood flowing and tries to make sense of whatever the hell is happening over there in Alameda. Great listen, too. go RAIDERS!
I miss football.
And I need a drink.