Monday, January 5, 2009

Ah, A Bar...

Well, here I am.

Sitting on a stool at the Blue Moon Saloon on a Monday eve. College FBall on 2 screens and ESPN on the third. Havin a beer and a bump celebrating the fact that I still have a job and it's one I don't much mind showin up for. Of course, it starts a little earlier than I'd like. At least I don't work at a sewage treatment plant. Like the guy on the stool (yeah, I said stool) next to me. Believe me, you can tell. Without looking.

But the pay is good, he says.

No shit?

I'm trying to figure out this damn blog thing. Will I be dillegent? No.

But this is my second post in one day and I'm writing this one on my iPhone which ain't too difficult. Just don't get your hopes up, Constant Reader, or whatever Stephen "I'm normal just like you" King calls em.

So, let's get to my point. What the hell is up with Taco Bell?

I know I'm watching the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl, but damn. Ads for TB every break. Now don't get me wrong. I like fake Mexican food as much as the next gringo. But I've been to Mexico City and I've eaten real Mexican food including grubs and ant larvae. But their menu is starting to look like what would be created if my 8 and 4 year olds got into a good bag of Thai stick and had free range to experiment in the kitchen.

Tacos wrapped in bacon wrapped in cheese wrapped in a taco wrapped in a taco?!?

Don't mean to get all Denis Leary on y'all but damn.

Of course after a few more beers and bumps, and to alleviate the smell of my new neighbor, don't be surprised to see me honking at you to hurry the fuck up at the drive-thru.


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